How we help

"Life can only be understood backwards; but it must be lived forwards"

Sören Kierkegaard

The Problem

We are living inside the most incredible bit of kit in the known universe and yet no-one ever tells us how it works or how to get the most out of it every day. We all suffer inside the walls of our skull some days, but once we understand how our brain works and what we can do each day to develop and improve our experience everything changes.

The Solution

Did you know our brain is shaped by four psycho-social forces. Our daily habits, our relationships with others and ourselves and our goals. #NeuroNinjas know this and we support people to work with these powerful forces to change their brain.

"One's mind, once stretched by a new idea, never regains its original dimensions”

Oliver Wendell-Holmes

We help people to work with their amazing brains to change them. Our mind is built by our body and brain every day, if we change our mind, we can change our brain and we can change what is possible in our world.  We teach people the skills of metacognition; being able to live in our brains without getting hopelessly lost in them.

We do this through: